
Department of Computer Science

Technical Report No. 229 - Abstract

Alexander Kleiner, Moritz Goebelbecker
Rescue3D: Making rescue simulation attractive to the public

RoboCupRescue Simulation is a large-scale multi-agent simulation of urban disasters where, in order to save lives and minimize damage, rescue teams must effectively cooperate despite sensing and communication limitations. The annually increasing number of teams participating in this league shows clearly that there is a high demand on research in this field. However, from our experience of participating at RoboCup as a team, but also from organizing RoboCupRescue as a public event, we learned about two strong limitations that arise practically during the competition: First, the current system offers only limited methods for comparing specific abilities of rescue teams. Second, the current presentation of the competition is only limited understandable for spectators. Within our effort in developing a new visualization of the rescue domain, we want to focus on these two limitations. We introduce a system for visualization that covers the demands of both developers and spectators.

Report No. 229 (PostScript)